Price Targets

Ryan Todd from Piper Sandler issued a price target of $145.00 for XOM on 2024-04-18 07:18:00.The adjusted price target was set to $145.00.At the time of the announcement,

April 18, 2024   XOM 1.54%

Ryan Todd from Piper Sandler issued a price target of $157.00 for COP on 2024-04-18 07:14:00.The adjusted price target was set to $157.00.At the time of the announcement,

April 18, 2024   COP 0.76%

Ryan Todd from Piper Sandler issued a price target of $43.00 for BP on 2024-04-18 07:12:00.The adjusted price target was set to $43.00.At the time of the announcement,

April 18, 2024   BP 1.11%

Christopher Stathoulopoulos from Susquehanna issued a price target of $60.00 for UAL on 2024-04-18 07:05:00.The adjusted price target was set to $60.00.At the time of the announcement, UAL...

April 18, 2024   UAL 4.36%

Gabriel Moreen from Mizuho Securities issued a price target of $19.00 for ET on 2024-04-18 06:35:00.The adjusted price target was set to $19.00.At the time of the announcement,

April 18, 2024   ET 1.37%

Thomas Wadewitz from UBS issued a price target of $44.00 for CSX on 2024-04-18 06:30:00.The adjusted price target was set to $44.00.At the time of the announcement, CSX...

April 18, 2024   CSX -0.68%

Walter Spracklin from RBC Capital issued a price target of $36.00 for CSX on 2024-04-18 06:20:00.The adjusted price target was set to $36.00.At the time of the announcement,

April 18, 2024   CSX -0.68%

Emmanuel Rosner from Deutsche Bank issued a price target of $123.00 for TSLA on 2024-04-18 06:10:00.The adjusted price target was set to $123.00.At the time of the announcement,

April 18, 2024   TSLA 4.68%

Justin Bowers from Deutsche Bank issued a price target of $25.00 for AVTR on 2024-04-18 05:35:00.The adjusted price target was set to $25.00.At the time of the announcement,

April 18, 2024   AVTR -1.91%

Mike Mayo from Wells Fargo issued a price target of $48.00 for USB on 2024-04-18 05:33:00.The adjusted price target was set to $48.00.At the time of the announcement,

April 18, 2024   USB 0.86%