Price Targets

Christopher LaFemina from Jefferies issued a price target of $45.00 for X on 2024-05-20 02:26:00.The adjusted price target was set to $45.00.At the time of the announcement, X...

May 20, 2024   X 3.94%

Christopher LaFemina from Jefferies issued a price target of $22.00 for CLF on 2024-05-20 02:24:00.The adjusted price target was set to $22.00.At the time of the announcement, CLF...

May 20, 2024   CLF 6.78%

Frederick Havemeyer from Macquarie issued a price target of $475.00 for MSFT on 2024-05-17 15:23:00.The adjusted price target was set to $475.00.At the time of the announcement, MSFT...

May 17, 2024   MSFT 2.58%

Neil Mehta from Goldman Sachs issued a price target of $175.00 for CVX on 2024-05-17 13:56:00.The adjusted price target was set to $175.00.At the time of the announcement,

May 17, 2024   CVX 2.22%

Jim Kelleher from Argus Research issued a price target of $70.00 for CSCO on 2024-05-17 13:48:00.The adjusted price target was set to $70.00.At the time of the announcement,

May 17, 2024   CSCO 1.39%

Steven Shemesh from RBC Capital issued a price target of $70.00 for WMT on 2024-05-17 09:28:00.The adjusted price target was set to $70.00.At the time of the announcement,

May 17, 2024   WMT 1.01%

Bobby Griffin from Raymond James issued a price target of $70.00 for WMT on 2024-05-17 09:13:00.The adjusted price target was set to $70.00.At the time of the announcement,

May 17, 2024   WMT 1.01%

Michael Baker from D.A. Davidson issued a price target of $75.00 for WMT on 2024-05-17 08:40:00.The adjusted price target was set to $75.00.At the time of the announcement,

May 17, 2024   WMT 1.01%

Kelly Bania from BMO Capital issued a price target of $75.00 for WMT on 2024-05-17 07:29:00.The adjusted price target was set to $75.00.At the time of the announcement,

May 17, 2024   WMT 1.01%

Christopher Graja from Argus Research issued a price target of $71.00 for WMT on 2024-05-17 07:22:00.The adjusted price target was set to $71.00.At the time of the announcement,

May 17, 2024   WMT 1.01%